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Friday, 7 December 2012

An unusual gift idea for your parents for Christmas 1813

I was amused when I found this advertisement entitled "Christmas presents" in the January 1814 issue of Ackermann’s Repository:


Some of the words are quite difficult to decipher, but I think that it reads like this:


Christmas approaching, every absent child feels anxious to receive the customary favours of their indulgent Parents. During this inclement, but auspicious season, what could be more acceptable than a pair of MARSTON’S PATENT STAYS or CORSETS, which are admirably well calculated to improve the shape, and comfort and support the weak and debilitated; and which are selling at the OLD PRICES, notwithstanding the exorbitant charge for materials: warranted to be manufactured by the first hands in the business and in the most elegant and fashionable style, full TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT under the regular trade price.
Genteel rooms for Ladies to try on.
Country Orders executed with integrity and dispatch on the most liberal terms


The advert suggests that,  whether your parents are “weak and debilitated” or “elegant and fashionable”, “a pair of Marston’s patent stays or corsets” would be a most acceptable gift! What an unusual idea for a Christmas present for your parents!

Front cover of
Ackermann's Repository
(Jan 1814)
I assume that the January 1814 issue must have been available in December or otherwise that the advertisement was submitted late. 

Sources used:
Ackermann, Rudolph, The Repository of Arts, Literature, Commerce, Manufactures, Fashions and Politics (1814)

1 comment:

  1. I read it as something a parent could give a child. Either way it is an odd suggestion for a present.
    Dating the bound magazines was not consistent. Some collected nad bound in January 1814 would carry that date , others, would be dated 1813 like the contents.
